June 5, 2022
McCallum’s Property Tax Increase is NOT 2.9%

McCallum and his 4 ‘Safe’ Surrey Councillors promised a 2.9% property tax increase for 2022, but for most people, it’s turning out to be much more than that. This is the third year in a row McCallum and his councillors Laurie Guerra, Doug Elford, Mandeep Nagra, and Allison Patton have said 2.9% and delivered much higher increases.

They are not afraid to reach into your pocketbook.

They should have at least given fair notice so people could budget.

As we’ve also seen recently on Global BC the Safe Surrey Coalition seems to have a real problem telling the truth. Recently released documents leave little room for doubt about their integrity.

Below is a Facebook ad they ran after the budget was past showing themselves as fiscal manager.

While McCallum, Elford, Guera, Nagra and Patton advertised they were the lowest now that you have your tax bill you can see that Surrey is likely the highest. They will never admit their mistake because they live in their own world.

This is also a good time to remind you of their other recent budget scandal. The ‘Safe’ Surrey Coalition majority delayed and delayed the public hearing until Christmas Eve. Then after the residents who wanted to speak were heard council was supposed to go into a closed meeting to debate the citizens’ input.

BEFORE THE DELIBERATIONS EVEN STARTED a press release was sent out by the City saying the budget passed without any changes! Obviously, McCallum’s Safe Surrey Coalition did not have any intention of taking any input from the citizens. This budget was built in the backroom and sold to citizens as 2.9% and now you pay.